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SNG - October 2 - Harbour Islands - Not accepting additional paddlers

bob budd

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9:00AM arrival/9:30AM launch at Winthrop and Windmill Point and 8:00AM arrival/8:30AM launch at City Point. For City Point this allows 1 hour to "catch up". From City Point tide will be rising against you on the way out and falling against you on the way back.

This trip is >15 miles and includes a substantial open water crossing.

The plan is to meet at Calf Island (or along the way) and head out to Graves light house. If conditions are too challenging given the makeup of the crew we may choose to stay among the Brewsters. Please RSVP and include (preferrably cell) phone number. Use the e-mail icon in the message to send private e-mail if you wish.

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I see three possibilities that would ultimately be chosen in the morning based upon conditions, weather reports, etc. provided conditions don't cancel the idea altogether.

1) Meet at Calf Island/Great Brewster and go to the Graves light house.

2) Meet at Calf Island/Great Brewster and stay among the Brewsters.

3) Stay in the harbour altogether.

For options 1 and 2 City Point means extra miles and leaving earlier. For option 3 City Point forms the third vertex in a triangle. Given that we may not chose the ultimate destination until the morning it would mean you will likely be committing to extra miles and an earlier start for option 3 and a later end as well for options 1 and 2. It would also mean determining how long it would take to join us to determine the earlier start. Let me know what you think.

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I think that the shorter trip to City Point will to make up a lot of the earlier start time.

As for the distance I have next week off and I am going to attempt to put some real miles next week. So the distance shouldn't be an issue on the 2nd.

I think that I like option 1 and 2 better than option 3 as I get to put some extra miles in. That said I would rather let others pick the finial destination.


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