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Boston Harbor Island Tour--Thursday, 8/18/05


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This trip (not sponsored by NSPN) will launch from Sing's Beach (public boat launch off Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester, near the Savin Hill Yacht Club)--

Launch time: 10:00 am

Return time: 3:00 pm

Destination: depending on weather and energy of paddlers--George's Island and other islands of interests--

Level: 3

Organizers (not leaders): Leslie Beale and Al Coons

Please note: All level 3 paddlers invited on this trip. This trip is not sponsored by NSPN and there are no leaders. Paddlers who participate in this trip are responsible for their own safety.

For more information about the trip or launch site email: lbeale at spfldcol dot edu

Les and Al

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