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S&G - Monday July 4 - Manchester


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Looking for paddlers for a laid back class 3 S&G from Manchester on July 4th.

Launch BEHIND POLICE STATION at 9 AM so we can get parking.

General plan assuming limited waves and wind: Go by Misery, circumnavigate some other islands, return to Misery about 11:30-12???, have some lunch and return to the put-in no later than 1:30-2 PM. Remember to bring your membership to The Trustees or cash to pay for the stop-over fee at Misery.

Usual caveats apply. This is a show and go and we each are responsible for ourselves. There is no official leader nor should you assume that any participant has leadership training. Of course we will stick together and take care of each other.

If planning to join us, please email me at alcoonslists at verizon.net

Please check this site on Sunday night and before you leave on Monday in case of unexpected problems.

Al Coons

Eddyline Nighthawk


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