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Frogs (OT)


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And what does this have to do with kayaking?? NOTHING. So disregard if you want.

Over the last month, I have found FROGS in my house. Or rather I should say the cats have. One was found near the fireplace all dusty from ashes. The other in my bedroom surrounded by cats who were stalking him. Both of those were live. A third dessicated body was found in the hallway.

Here's the problem, it befuddles me that these creatures have made their way into my house. How are they getting in? Both exterior doors have steps. The basement door doesn't but if they came in that way, they would have to be very determined to climb up the inside basement steps to the ground floor.

I know someone will say the cats brought them in. Not the case as the cats don't leave the house. They didn't come in the house with house plants either as I have no house plants as the cats tear them apart.

The frogs are small and could fit on a quarter. They are dark green mottled "frog skin". They don't feel like a toad - but hey, I'm no expert so they might be. They reminded me of tree frogs in Puerto Rico but coloring different. I never heard them chirp.

Any ideas?


PS - both of the living frogs were released outside unharmed.

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They are probably not frogs, but toads, as you suggest. Frogs are not happy off the water for any length of time. Toads are happy on land and will go where the moisture is, be happy they aren't centipedes. On the other hand, if your cats are like the dear departed O'Riley they would eat the centipedes (yum!) in which case you may not find them around. I say roll with this little bit of diversity in your environment. Possible countermeasures are moisture reduction in the basement (French drain?) and proximity of foliage to the foundation.

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Small frogs like that have the ability to walk up surfaces with ease, and during the evening, will stock any insect (tiny moths) that congregate around outside lights. When you open a door they will drop, or leap in, they also fit under the door if a weatherstrip is worn or missing. I have seen them leap to my shirt from the door as I open it.

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The frogs might be spring peepers, or possibly juvenile frogs , some of which (like the wood frog) are quite terrestrial. Spring peepers vary in coloration, can be brownish, grayish, a bit greenish, and are the size you described . Look for a trace of an “X” on their back (their scientific name is Pseudacris crucifer).

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