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New VHF User

GJ Carey

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On a recent family vacation/excuse to kayak every day in and around Rockland Maine, my paddling partner presented me with a brand new VHF radio (ICOM 72). Yes, he's a great paddling friend.

As I've never had a VHF before I wonder what I need to do before I can use it "legally". The questions I have are;

1. Do I need an operator licence, and/or attend a training course?

2. If so, whom do I contact regarding said licence and/or course?

3. How do I get a call sign?

Thanks in advance,


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Call signs are not officially assigned for use with VHF marine radio. You make up whatever handles you want to use on a given day, or use your own name, or whatever. This works because VHF radios have very short ranges, normally just a few miles, so there is little risk of confusion in any given area.

So, typically an NSPN group, for example, might use a handle like "NSPN", or "NSPN group 1" or "Adam". Imaginative, eh? ;-)))


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