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Advanced Trip Planning March 11th


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Building on the Basic Trip Planning Workshop, or for those that already have some trip planning experience, this workshop will explore what goes into designing more challenging trips such as multi-day adventures, offshore journeys, stronger tidal environments, etc.  Topics to be explored will include:

  • Understanding aids to navigation
  • Identifying tidal movements using chart topography
  • Using tidal data to manage trip parameters
  • Long-range weather forecasts and getting weather reports on the go
  • Addling contingency plans
  • Finding and identifying proper participants

This workshop will be held on Sunday March 11th at the Reading REI Community Room from 11:30am to 4:30pm .  It will be both instructional and interactive, and will include actual trip planning exercises.  If you would like to attend, you must RSVP on the calendar event by clicking on the GOING button.  If you have any questions or would like to request a particular topic not shown here, please feel free to post here or email Robert@nspn.org and I will reply as soon as possible.

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