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Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning with Greg Paquin 4/22

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Newbury Kayak and Canoe will be hosting Greg Paquin from Kayak Waveology leading this all on-land class April 22nd.  Details and registration at www.newburykayak.com.

This course is designed for those paddlers carrying out coastal journeys including islands up to 2 nautical miles offshore in areas of tidal movement up to 2 knots and is a prerequisite for those seeking their British Canoeing 4 Star Sea Leader Award.
However, anyone wishing to undertake journeys on the sea using a kayak would find the technical and theoretical aspects not only useful, but essential for safe travel in the marine environment!
This course is designed to complement the areas covered in the British Canoeing 4 Star Leader Training.
Course aims
The aim of this course is to give the student the tools to enable them to plan and navigate effectively on coastal journeys in moderate sea conditions. This will include the following aspects:
To interpret sources of information including maps, charts, coastal pilots and tide tables
To navigate on the water using visual references and simple pilotage techniques e.g. transits and dead reckoning
Effective use of a compass
To be able to source, interpret and apply weather information to the coastal environment
By the end of the course each student should have planned at least 2 coastal journeys that they can take home as references for further trip planning
To be aware of the range of resources required to plan trips in the coastal environment
Students should be made aware of the role of the Coastguard and the value of liaising with them.
The current syllabus and guidance notes for the BCU 4 Star Leader award can be found on the PNA and BC UK web sites.  The BC current syllabus and guidance notes can be found on the Paddle Sports North America web site  www.paddlesportsnorthamerica.org

Leader: Greg Paquin, UKCC L3 Coach with BCU AWE ( Advanced Water Endorsement).

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