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Everything posted by mhabich

  1. Joe, really cool. Looking at the bridge scour article, it seems that contraction scour would occur at the contraction (under the bridge), not after. I wonder if the bottom at the natural contraction where the bridge was built is rock, with the area around the hole might be sediments that filled in after the glacier scraped out the north-south basin. So, a combination of the scour mechanism acting on peculiar pre-existing geology.
  2. Found it. Looks like a fun place to go for a ride on the merry-go-round.
  3. There’s a hint in your picture too. Looks good.
  4. Nancy knows every inch of Maine, but everybody knows #2. Took me a while, then...duh. There’s a hint in #1 that will get you in the ballpark.
  5. (OK, Dan, you asked for it.) Where in Maine is shown on this bit of a NOAA chart? How do you know? Answers in white, please.
  6. West Beach parking lot closed. People wouldn’t stop hanging out. Just a few, but too many.
  7. Bob doesn't take pictures, so we know he didn't really do it. You have proof you were there.
  8. I assume you took the Cetus, since you did a fiberglass repair. How do you think the Virgo would have done by comparison?
  9. West Beach is rather weedy after yesterday’s surf. Bring water to rinse off the red sticky stuff at the end of the day.
  10. The moon orbits the earth every 28 days, so every day it’s 1/28 of a day, 24/28 of an hour, or 50 minutes farther around.
  11. Our partnership with MITA continues. They're doing some exciting work to open up landing and camping opportunities on the Bold Coast, a stunning place to paddle. There's now an easier way to get the membership discount, described in the post at the top of the NSPN Business forum (only visible to paid NSPN members). If you'd really like to show your support for NSPN and MITA, you could join MITA at the discounted family rate as an NSPN member. This lets you give the same financial support to MITA while letting them know you're with NSPN.
  12. kayakoutfitting.com is a good source for foam. Nice guy.
  13. Hadn’t seen the BASK project before. Way cool. Yeah, the problem with stuff like this and seamammal is that some guy works really hard to put it together, but the ongoing maintenance is too great a burden.
  14. For another approach to putting kayaking info on a chart, see seamammal.net
  15. Tomorrow is also the lunar new year, the year of the rat. Haven’t decided wot I’ll bring...perhaps some strawberry tart.
  16. The last time Thor looked here was 2017. You might want to call.
  17. Great post on a most unpleasant surf session in 2011 at Lumpy Waters. The post and discussion show how things can go bad before you even unload the boats, and how many opportunities there were for one good call to avoid it. Long post, so get a cuppa... http://blog.redalderranch.com/?p=89
  18. I’ve been looking through my gear for some enthusiasm, and can’t seem to find it.
  19. When you join ACA (or later by changing your profile there) specify NSPN as your PAC and then sign the online annual waiver. With the online waiver, you won't have to bring a paper waiver to each pool session.
  20. The article links to NOAA's prototype tools to create your own custom charts. The idea is good, but the implementation is poor (being really generous). The charts have no land contours, spotty details in water, inaccurate coastlines... I hope and believe it will improve greatly, but doubt it will approach what we have now with the raster charts. Go check it out.
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