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Navigation workshop at REI Reading: Sunday, April 23rd

Dan Foster

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Join us for a day of navigation practice, with hand-on exercises on land, in the classroom at REI, and in your kayak on a nearby pond.

9 - 11: Basics of map reading, orienting the map with a compass, taking a bearing with a compass, land exercises outside at a nearby park.

11 - 3: REI Reading classroom: using map and compass together, declination, lunch, plotting/reading bearings on a chart, triangulation, map and compass exercises.

3 - 5: Veteran's Field boat launch at south end of Lake Quannapowitt: (Level 1 paddle) on-water navigation practice, matching features to the chart, using ranges to stay on a bearing, triangulation practice.

5:30: dinner nearby for anyone who wants to socialize afterwards.


This is a free event, but you must RSVP ahead of time so that we can print enough maps for the class. The exact meeting time and location for Sunday morning will be sent to everyone who registers a few days prior to the navigation workshop. Please RSVP on the NSPN calendar posting here: http://www.nspn.org/forum/calendar/event/1103-nspn-navigation-workshop-at-rei-in-reading/

Feel free to ask questions or discuss the upcoming workshop in this thread.

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Just a reminder, if you plan to attend this Sunday's map and compass navigation workshop in Reading, please RSVP through the NSPN calendar posting (above). We've got about a dozen members attending, and there's room for a couple more. I'm going to close registration on Friday morning.

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